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  • Courtney

Fresh, Dried Herbs

I tend to buy organic herbs when possible to avoid pesticides. These can obviously be expensive, so I recently started growing a few at home. Living in the city, I do not have a yard to plant these in which is why I am growing my parsley, oregano, and rosemary in a window box on my balcony. This method has worked well with all three, although the rosemary took longer than the parsley and oregano.

*Wait to remove oregano and rosemary leaves from the stem until after drying them in the oven. They will crumble as your slide your hand down the stem.

1. Preheat your oven to 170°. After picking your parsley, wash it and let it air dry. You can blot it dry with a paper towel.

2. Cut the leaves off the stems and place the leaves in a single layer on a baking sheet.

3. Place the baking sheet on the middle oven rack. Allow the parsley to dry 10-15 minutes. If they are not dry, allow them to dry 2-3 more minutes before checking again. The leaves will shrivel when they are dry

4. Make sure the leaves are completely dried before crumbling and storing in an air tight container.

"Fresh" dried herbs will not last as long as store bought herbs since they do not contain any preservatives.

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